Produkter Böcker Skönlitteratur Agent running in the field

Agent running in the field

Produktkod: 9780241986547
John le Carre 2020 'The British spy thriller at its unputdownable best Observer Nat, a veteran of Britain's Secret Intelligence Service, thinks his years as an agent runner are over. But MI6 have other plans.
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'The British spy thriller at its unputdownable best Observer Nat, a veteran of Britain's Secret Intelligence Service, thinks his years as an agent runner are over. But MI6 have other plans. To tackle the growing threat from Moscow Centre, Nat is put in charge of The Haven, a defunct substation of London General with a rag-tag band of spies. His weekly badminton session with the young, introspective, Brexit-hating Ed, offers respite from the new job. But it is Ed, of all unlikely people, who will take Nat down the path of political anger that will ensnare them all.